Q Site
Construction process support - anytime, from anywhere.

With the cloud-based construction process software Q Site to support construction companies, site managers and foremen, everyone has access to digital construction site information from anywhere at any time and can handle construction processes digitally, depending on their access rights. This comprehensive application provides all relevant information, from managing the construction site and its resources, to ordering materials in the plants, to digital delivery information.

Typical construction replanning and adjustments can be carried out transparently and digitally in real time. Simple notifications keep everyone involved in the process up to date and reduce misunderstandings between producers, suppliers, fleet managers and clients to a minimum. Q Site has a modular structure and grows with the individual maturity of the company. It can be expanded and supplemented as needed to meet the needs of the company.

From the entry-level product to the fully integrated product:


Provides basic functions for a digital ordering and delivery process. Will be made available by the mix supplier with a valid Q Plant license.

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Flexible, deployable solution that is available as a mobile app and in the web browser. It supports the structured, digital ordering and delivery process for any mix supplier.

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Product component

Q Site Webportal

This browser application enables access to all information on the construction sites of the project work area using an Internet browser. Accessible from anywhere, the project plans are created, managed, and coordinated in consultation with those involved. Basic settings or master data can be adjusted and created intuitively and clearly.

Product component

SiteBuddy App

The accompanying app, which is available free of charge in the App Store, is the mobile application for iOS or Android devices that provides access to the project workspace. Whether on the construction site or on the road, all information about the digital construction project is made available. Depending on the user rights, flexible adjustments can be made at any time.

Product component

TruckBuddy App

The truck driver receives a digital transport order in the form of a delivery note via the TruckBuddy App. During the transport, the current position and the expected arrival time at the construction site are continuously shared with the Q Site web portal and the SiteBuddy App. The integration of the vehicle fleet connects the plant with the paving process and thus provides the basis for a coordinated and synchronized paving.

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Your Language, Your Choice

Our software is available in German, English, French, Spanish, and Romanian to optimally support our international customers. Flexibility and user-friendliness are at the forefront. Do you need another language? No problem! Order-related implementations are possible at any time.


Experience our products in practice

We will show you how we can support you and your company in digitally handling road construction projects. In a personal meeting, we analyse your requirements, present our solutions and clarify your questions.

Since we started paving with Q Site, I no longer have to be constantly present on the construction site. I can plan everything from my workplace.

Walter Röthlisberger

Project Manager