Webinar: Q Plant

In this webinar we will show our digital solution in a compact form as well as the advantages for you and the mixing plant.

Who is the training intended for?

To interested specialists who want to get an overview of the product, its range of functions and the resulting benefits, in particular mixing foremen, plant managers and area managers who are in contact with their customers, accept orders for mixes and are involved in the production and delivery process.​      

Aim of the webinar?

The interested party gets an insight into the product Q Plant, with its functionalities and the resulting added value. The simple digital ordering and delivery process as well as communication with customers is shown. Optimized production planning is possible with the management of incoming digital orders from different ordering systems. The included Q Site version offers a simple way for the construction companies the option of sending all orders digitally to the mixing plant. The participant gets to know the most important key figures for operating and production data.

Training content

  • Q Plant as a cloud-based solution​​
  • Digital ordering and delivery process​​
  • Communication with customers​
  • Customer portal with all delivery notes​​
  • Connection of several mixing plants​​
  • Presentation of possibilities for the integration of third-party systems​
  • Analysis of production and delivery data


Dates for this free webinar are available on request.
Please contact us to register for your preferred time slot.